During colder months force me to slow down, re-evaluate and dream. As much as I love to work, I always welcome this season and know that good things come when we hit pause, when we sit still, when we wait in silence and trust that something fresh is coming. During this season of Advent, I am welcoming the tension that I sense between the “already” and the “not yet” – and expecting great things as I anticipate what is to come!


I can either listen to the voice that says, “Give up” or I can listen to the one that says “persevere”. I hit roadblocks on almost every single project I work on. It’s part of the process. My Dad always told me “If you get to the end of a project without a speed bump – it’s a miracle.” Those projects are few and far between. And though I celebrate when they happen, I think I celebrate more when I work through something hard and it pays off in the end.

Keep GOING! Keep loving your families, neighbors and friends. Work through hard conversations and be honest. Don’t give up. God honors hard work and perseverance. Great things are ahead. 

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